Response Output
Normally, mtping interprets network responses to produce human readable output. In an automated environment, the -r option can be used to present machine parseable output followed by the server response data.
Output consists of one line reporting the result of the ping, followed by the data received from the server. The output is byte-for-byte identical to the data returned by the server except that any NULL characters are replaced by newline characters.
# mtping -r S 20190816 14:42:23.022 0 0 202 0 1 servedat - 1.18.3 July 2019 - DEI, DOC-2.3.2 MTP-osx-4.2.9 3077 00000001: ExpeDat-1.18D Data Expedition Inc., servedat 1.18.3 osx 59F39B00 CDT / 0,2,2,205 10,0 51C2F 3F957 1CFD 0,2,63,5 ␣ 6400000,5999999A 0,D59F80 0,0
Result Format
The first line describes the result of the ping attempt. Each field is separated by a tab character.
Result | Transaction result: S for a successful response, E for an error. |
Date | Local date and time formatted as "YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS.mmm". |
Class | MTP/IP error class. If non-zero, this indicates the source of the error. See Tech Note 0013 for definitions. |
Code | MTP/IP error code. If non-zero, this indicates the particular error within Class. See Tech Note 0013 for definitions. |
Size | Number of payload byte received from the server. |
Elapsed | Milliseconds elapsed since transmission of the ping request. For a successful response with no repeats, this may be interpreted as the round-trip time. |
Requests | The number of times the request was repeated. A value greater than 1 suggests packet loss. |
Error | For an error response, the remainder of the line is a human readable string describing the error. |
The remaining output is byte-for-byte identical to the data returned by the server except that any NULL characters are replaced by newline characters. For most MTP/IP applications, the first two lines will describe the software and its license. See Tech Note 0001 for details.
For servedat, the last line describes the current state of the server. See the servedat Structured Lists section for a description of the server Header Format.
License Automation
When installing mtping for use in a restricted or automated environment, such as a web server, make sure to register the license code. Run "mtping -R" as the administrative user to ensure that all service, daemon, and scripting users can see a stored registration at run time. See the License Code section.