Tech Note 0001

Identifying Software Versions

What version codes mean and where to find them

Current Versions

Because we are constantly striving to improve our products, it is important to keep track of which version of each product you have.  This is especially true when you are requesting technical support or looking to upgrade to the latest revision.  The latest release version for each DEI end-user software package is shown below:


Package versus Component

Application packages contain executables, installers, documentation, and sample configuration files.  Not all components change with each new release, so the version label of a package may be different from the version labels of the individual components.

Package versions take the form of "9.9Z".  That is, two numbers and a letter.

Component versions take the form of "9.9.9".  That is, three numbers.

When downloading and installing new software, check the package version to make sure you have the latest.  When requesting technical support, check the version of the component you are using to see which package it originally came from.

Finding Component Versions

All DEI software will display its version label when you click the "Opt", "Help", or "?" button, or when you add " ‑v " to the command line.  For example:

prompt# servedat -v
(C)2022 Data Expedition, Inc.(R) US Pat. 7158479,7313627,7404003,7630315
servedat - 1.20.2 August 2022 - DEI, DOC-2.3.9 MTP-osx-4.4.2 4227
00000001: ExpeDat-1.20C Data Expedition Inc.,

The version output contains many important pieces of information, some of which describe the software and some of which describe the person or company who purchased the software.

 Component Version 
The name of the software component and its version label.
 Package Version 
The name and release version of the package this component came with.
 Build Code 
A serial number indicating when the software was produced.
 Customer ID 
The customer identification number for this license.
 License Name 
A description of the person or company licensing the software.  Customers may specify their own description at the time of purchase.
A description of an individual component license or configuration.  Customers may specify a label for each server, typically short descriptive text which may be displayed to client users.  For trial software, the label usually shows the expiration date.

Server software will also display its full component identification as part of its diagnostic output each time it is started.  This output may be displayed on the console or recorded in a log file.  For example:

prompt# servedat
V 20221103 14:26:51.576 servedat 1.20.2 "August 2022" DEI [4198] (8080)
C 20221103 14:26:51.576 (C)2020 Data Expedition, Inc.(R) US Pat. 7158479,7313627,7404003,7630315
C 20221103 14:26:51.576 servedat - 1.20.2 August 2022 - DEI, DOC-2.3.9 MTP-osx-4.4.2 4227
C 20221103 14:26:51.576 00000001: ExpeDat-1.20C Data Expedition Inc.,

MTP and DOC software development kits return version information using the MTP_Get_Info() function.  The MTP version alone is returned via the mtpversion parameter, while the text strings describing complete version information are returned via the mtp_info_t structure.

Whenever you request technical support, please copy all lines of version text.

Production versus Trial

Most distribution package names end with either 'P' or 'T' to indicate whether they are licensed for production use or a limited trial.  These are often referred to as "Production" and "Trial" packages, respectively.

Software contained in "P" packages is licensed for use in production and will run continuously or until the end of its term, but may require a license code.

Software contained in "T" packages is licensed for trial use only and will run for a limited time period, but usually does not require a license code.

Tech Note History

Nov032022Updated examples, simplified language
Jan122021Clarify meaning of "Production"
Mar222017SDK Versions
Feb232015Updated Examples
Sep042013Updated Examples
Mar042013Updated Examples
Sep262012Current Versions
Apr042012Updated Examples
May112011Build Code
May042011Updated Examples
Dec022010Updated Examples
Aug092010Added name fields
Jun152010Updated Examples
Jun032010Added P vs T
Jul162009Updated Package Format
Nov182008Updated Examples
Oct312007New -v Format