DEI CEO Seth Noble offers his thoughts on technology trends in 2025 for Sports Video Group's "Executive Perspectives".
Corporate learning specialist AMP Creative migrates workflows to the cloud with EditShare and CloudDat.
DEI CEO Seth Noble discusses the workflow challenges of sports media workflows with Jason Dachman of Sports Video Group.
Edit+ takes over the details of cloud management for FLEX Cloud Edit deployments.
Media workflow experts Thomas Grønning Knudsen and Filip Milovanovic discuss the benefits of high-speed internet data transfer and how to integrate ExpeDat with the ELEMENTS Automation Engine.
DEI CEO Seth Noble discuss the challenges of moving data to the cloud at a workshop hosted by our partner ASAPro.
Melanie Posey, a research director at 451 Research, provides her insight on how shifting data storage targets are creating a growing need to move data efficiently.
PostPerspective reports on how Ollin VFX used ExpeDat to help deliver VFX during the Covid-19 lockdown.
Carl Brooks, a Cloud Transformation analyst from 451 Research, examines the business case for Data Expedition, Inc.
DEI's Dana Merk talks to his alma matter's alumni news about our efforts to support Covid-19 research.
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