DropDat (Windows and macOS only)
DropDat allows you to create "droplets" which upload to pre-determined ExpeDat servers when files are dropped on them. Droplets require no user interaction other than dragging files and folders onto them. They can be copied, downloaded, or emailed to end-users with no other installation.
⚠ Windows 11 systems running on ARM hardware must use the ARM64 version (winArm64) of DropDat. Using emulation to run the x86 version (win64) on ARM may result in the error "Unable to seek embedded configuration"
⚠ Windows systems with EnableCertPaddingCheck enabled are not compatible with DropDat and may prevent droplets from running. If you receive warnings about droplets being unsigned or if they fail with "Unable to seek embedded configuration", examine the Windows registry or check with your security administrator to see if "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Cryptography\Wintrust\Config\EnableCertPaddingCheck" is enabled. This key is not set in standard Windows distributions and must not be set for DropDat to function.
DropDat can be used in three ways:
![]() | Droplet Configuration Master: Double click on this icon to create a new droplet, or drag a droplet onto it to change that droplet. |
![]() | ExpeDat Desktop Embedding Master: Drag a copy of the ExpeDat Desktop client onto this icon to embed options and restrict end-user's ability to change options. |
![]() | Droplet Uploader: Drag files or folders onto this icon to send them to a designated ExpeDat server. To change the configuration of a droplet, drag this icon onto a DropDat master. |
Because DropDat is designed for minimal user interaction, it lacks many of the features provided by ExpeDat Desktop and movedat. Use those clients for general purpose ExpeDat access.